An about page for this site
About this site
An introduction to the archived Lenore Exegesis Wiki is available at About This Wiki. The original site has been offline since around 2014.
If you're looking for information about the site you are reading now, it is a revival of the old wiki.
Have you changed anything from the original?
The format of the site is quite different. This is structured more as a documentation site, but it is designed to be edited, commented upon, etc.
There are liberties taken with the formatting, organisation, and what is archived. Part of it is out of laziness, part of it is a sense that there are better ways to organize the information, part of it is a sense that some things were too specific to the site itself (e.g. the sandbox page), etc. Certain pages are merged into single pages now (e.g. Extraversion and Introversion as Attitudes), other pages unarchived as they were quite short (one sentence).
I believe it's still within the spirit of the original site itself: it was a wiki, it is meant to be changed and built upon to be as clean and clear as possible. The majority of the text itself is left as is.
Why the Lenore Thomson Exegesis wiki?
This site's host enjoyed reading it and found great insight from it as a teen; perhaps you will too. Maybe it comes from a sense of yearning for when the internet was a little warmer, more personable. Maybe it's from a life-long interest in trying to understand others. Maybe it's a bit of nostalgia for an old interest I had as a teen.
My personal favourite pages were How to Experience Different Function-Attitudes and the subpages for each function-attitude. These were what changed my perception on the types, personality in general, and cognition. I began to understand more deeply how differently people can think and perceive the same information. If you and I are similar, you will likely enjoy them as well.
How to participate here
The principles of the original How to Participate Here apply.
My personal caveat is to avoid idle talk on the pages themselves. This is just to keep things tidy. There is a discussion board available on the Github repo for sharing your thoughts. Adding additional theories, observations, etc. is always welcome on the pages themselves though.
There are likely leftover links that direct to Wayback Machine pages rather than their internal equivalents. If you see leftover internal links like this that have a matching page, please redirect them to the corresponding page. External links (to outside of the wiki) should be left as they are or directed to an appropriate live alternative.
I am currently debating if more personal pages (e.g. author subpages) should be archived on here.
Last updated