What does Lenore mean by "Thinking"? What is the difference between Extraverted Thinking and Introverted Thinking?
Quasi-defining statements
p. 254: "... Whenever we Think, we're relying on [our internal criteria and observations]--to organize multiple objects and to establish logical relationships between them."
p. 257: "When we Think, we're either extracting a logical relationship from its material context, turning it into a portable ghost, or we're translating our familiar ghosts into form in some new context."
As a Semiotic Attitude: A sign locates things in a space
Whatever caused a sign to appear fits somewhere in a space of possibilities. For example, if someone's phone number appears on your caller ID, that sign indicates which phone number, out of the set of all possible phone numbers, is the source of the call. The phone number indicates which person, out of the set of all people, is calling.
Te: Without a stable space, signs would be too slippery to be meaningful. The same things must sort into the same buckets each time you apply the space. Without that, you have no basis for comparison or communication.
Ti: The space must grow organically out of direct interaction with the reality. Without that, all concepts and categories are arbitrary mental constructs. When you meet up with the concrete reality, they won't apply.
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